Journey of The Saber
Entertainment, Education/Training/Professional/Development, Physical Fitness/ Wellness/Martial Arts
Martial arts with a Star Wars twist! Lightsaber training for kids and adults! Embark on your journey of becoming a Jedi while learning real kendo and fencing skills! Only $20 a session! We also work on many saber hilt forms from the Star Wars universe. Padawans will be learning useful life skills such as building self-confidence, awareness, and focus. Our guided meditations and thought-provoking activities bring the ways of the force into our reality. Lightsaber combat training, like very basic martial arts, has been found to have a positive impact on all these aspects. We want you to know that this is not a high intensity heavy dueling class. We designed this class to introduce younglings to the world of fencing or lightsaber combat while having fun in a cosplay-like environment
707 8365593